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Adler number: upsilon,393
Translated headword: he goes under, he ingratiates himself with
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative. Meaning he brings the people under his power and insinuates [himself] and flatters and placates [it], subduing all the rage towards him.
Aristophanes in
Knights [writes]: "see to what extent[1] he ingratiates himself to us, he cheats us like old men." ['Cheats'] meaning robs; for
kobaloi [are] robbers with a piece of wood. The same are also [called]
korynêphoreis. But some [call]
kobalon amusement with deceit. He is saying: just as he outwits old judges, so too is he trying to trick us; for
kobala are what they call trickeries.
Greek Original:*(upe/rxetai: ai)tiatikh=|. a)nti\ tou= u(pa/getai to\n dh=mon kai\ u(potre/xei kai\ kolakeu/ei kai\ kataprau/+nei, u(pa/gwn th\n o)rgh\n a(/pasan th\n pro\s au)to/n. *)aristofa/nhs *(ippeu=sin: ei)=des oi(= u(pe/rxetai w(sperei\ ge/rontas h(ma=s e)kkobalikeu/etai. a)nti\ tou= lh|steu/ei: ko/baloi ga\r oi( meta\ cu/lou lh|stai/. tou\s au)tou\s de\ kai\ korunhforei=s. oi( de\ ko/balon th\n met' a)pa/ths paidia/n. w(/sper, fhsi/, ge/rontas, dikasta\s e)kpanourgei=, ou(/tw kai\ h(ma=s e)pixeirei= a)pata=n: ko/bala ga\r kalou=si ta\ panourgh/mata.
After the initial grammatical gloss, the entry stems from
Knights 269-270, with material from the
scholia there; concerning Kleon (
kappa 1731). Passage also commented on in
kappa 1897, glossing the verb
oi(=' (for
oi(=a with elision) here has become
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; politics
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 5 January 2009@10:03:31.
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