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Headword: *(upe\r ta\ *kallikra/tous
Adler number: upsilon,365
Translated headword: beyond those of Kallikrates
Vetting Status: high
Klearchos says[1] that Kallikrates was a very rich man in Karystos.[2] So if ever the Karystians were marvelling at someone for his wealth and wanted to exaggerate, they used to say "beyond those of Kallikrates". But Aristotle in the Constitution of the Athenians says that a certain Kallikrates was the first to increase jury pay[3] excessively.[4] And from this the proverb was coined.
Greek Original:
*(upe\r ta\ *kallikra/tous: fhsi\ *kle/arxos, o(/ti *kallikra/ths tis e)ge/neto e)n *karustw=| plousiw/tatos. ei)/ pote ou)=n e)qau/mazo/n tina oi( *karu/stioi e)pi\ plou/tw| u(perbolikw=s, e)/legon u(pe\r ta\ *kallikra/tous. *)aristote/lhs de/ fhsin e)n th=| *)aqhnai/wn politei/a| *kallikra/thn tina\ prw=ton tou\s dikastikou\s mu/qous ei)s u(perbolh\n au)ch=sai. o(/qen kai\ th\n paroimi/an ei)rh=sqai.
Likewise in Photius, Lexicon upsilon137 Theodoridis, from Pausanias the Atticist; and cf. Zenobius 6.29 and other paroemiographers.
[1] Klearchos of Soloi [in brief kappa 1714] fr. 77 Wehrli.
[2] A city at the southern tip of the Greek island of Euboia.
[3] The transmitted text (which Adler prints) has dikastikou\s mu/qous, "jury stories", but for sense one should obviously follow Kuster in reading misqou/s (from Zenobius 6.29).
[4] The passage in question is ?Aristotle, Athenaion Politeia 28.3, though it does not warrant this summary. It says, rather, that in the latter part of the C5 BCE Kallikrates of Paiania -- otherwise unknown, but clearly an Athenian, unlike Kallikrates of Karystos -- promised to increase the (mysterious) diobelia payments in Athens from two obols to three but then, on the contrary, abolished them (and was eventually executed).
Keywords: aetiology; biography; daily life; economics; geography; history; law; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 May 2001@04:06:38.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Modified translation, augmented note, set status.) on 9 May 2001@13:58:40.
David Whitehead (added keywords) on 17 September 2002@10:43:55.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 4 December 2005@09:45:28.
David Whitehead (added primary note; tweaks) on 10 August 2011@09:06:35.
David Whitehead on 24 November 2013@06:37:18.
David Whitehead on 30 May 2016@04:26:58.


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