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Search results for upsilon,35 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,35
Translated headword: softly
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "For moving softly and ground-seeking with her feet,[1] and being lightly dressed, she got the better of all the jugglers that went before; having an agreeable voice and singing with art, she was not judged second to anyone of those who were admired for their songs, and since she was experienced in sexual intermeddling, flirting when the opportunity arose and cleverly moving the man to jealousy, she brought to herself not inconsiderable wealth, but him, pining little by little with love, she released from the present situation."[2]
And elsewhere: "for when it came to beneficences he was soft and agreeable, but serious and intense when it came to collection of dues."[3]
Greek Original:*(ugrw=s: u(grw=s ga\r kradainome/nh kai\ toi=s posi\ xamaipeth/s, eu)/stolos ginome/nh e)ni/ka pa/ntas tou\s tw=n qaumatopoiw=n e)chgoume/nous: fwnh/n te e)/xousa h(dei=an kai\ tau/thn meta\ te/xnhs a)fiei=sa ou)deno\s [tw=n] e)p' a)/|smasi qaumazome/nwn e)kri/qh deute/ra, a(/te dh\ ou)k a)/peiros e)rwtikh=s periergi/as, a)kkizome/nh su\n kairw=| kai\ pro\s zhlotupi/an eu)fuw=s a)/gousa to\n a)/ndra, e(auth=| me\n plou=ton ou)k eu)katafro/nhton oi)=sen, e)kei=non de\ kata\ baio\n thko/menon tw=| e)/rwti a)ph/llace tw=n th=|de. kai\ au)=qis: pro\s ga\r ta\s dwrea\s h)=n u(gro\s kai\ kataferh/s, pro\s de\ ta\s ei)spra/ceis baru/s te kai\ suntetame/nos.
In Adler's view, both quotations are transmitted via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti.
[1] This translates what Adler prints as the second phrase here, with
xamaipeth/s, for which cf.
chi 71; however, the
Aelian fragment quoted (see next note) has
xamaituph/s, for which cf.
chi 73.
Aelian fr. 126e Domingo-Forasté, 123 Hercher (referring to a Syrian mime). Partly quoted in
alpha 878 and
omicroniota 170 (q.v.)
[3] Quotation unidentifiable; also in
alpha 4483. For the figurative sense of
u(gro/s, cf.
upsilon 34.
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; meter and music; women
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 28 December 2008@20:18:11.
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