Search results for upsilon,33 in Adler number:
Headword: *(ugrai/nw Adler number: upsilon,33 Translated headword: I make wet, I moisten, I water Vetting Status: high Translation:
[no gloss]
Greek Original:
In the Suda and other lexica, u(grai/nw appears as a gloss for other verbs: cf. under delta 880, iota 268. It is also attested in Euripides, at Helen 673 (web address 1).
Catharine Roth (set status) on 31 October 2005@11:30:04. David Whitehead (x-refs) on 1 November 2005@02:57:21. Catharine Roth (expanded note, added link and keyword) on 31 January 2011@17:31:26. David Whitehead on 14 November 2013@08:15:05.