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Search results for upsilon,295 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(uperi/dhs
Adler number: upsilon,295
Translated headword: Hyperides, Hypereides
Vetting Status: high
Hyperides,[1] an excellent demagogue. Although he was a friend of Demosthenes, he brought a prosecution against him in connection with Harpalus' money. [2] He had a son, Glaucippus.
Greek Original:
*(uperi/dhs, dhmagwgo\s a)/ristos: o(\s kai\ fi/los w)\n *dhmosqe/nei e)gra/yato au)to\n e)pi\ toi=s *(arpalei/ois xrh/masin. e)/sxe de\ kai\ pai=da *glau/kippon.
[1] Identical with [upsilon 294] Hyperides, q.v. for references.
[2] This speech, from 323 BC, survives in fragmentary form. (It was not, as implied here, a private prosecution by Hyperides; he was one of ten prosecutors appointed by the Athenian state.) On the Harpalus Affair -- fleetingly mentioned at alpha 4000 ("Harpaleian monies"), more fully at delta 456 - see e.g. A.B. Bosworth, Conquest and Empire: the reign of Alexander the Great (Cambridge 1988) 215-220; C.W. Blackwell, In the Absence of Alexander: Harpalus and the failure of Macedonian authority (New York etc. 1999).
Keywords: biography; children; economics; ethics; law; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@11:27:55.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented headword, bibliography, keywords) on 20 September 2000@10:05:57.
David Whitehead (augmented bibliographical note) on 22 September 2000@07:03:10.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 13 September 2002@09:57:38.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 9 October 2005@06:43:45.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 December 2007@10:36:41.
David Whitehead on 22 November 2013@04:59:00.


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