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Search results for upsilon,290 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,290
Translated headword: prideful, arrogant; magnificent
Vetting Status: high
Translation: For every evil there is an opposite excellence: for lust, temperance; for gluttony, continence; for avarice, uprightness; for anger, mildness; for pain, joy; for forgetfulness, memory; for disregard, endurance; for imprudence, prudence; for cowardice, courage; for vanity, humility; and so forth. Only for arrogance is there no opposite excellence, on account of its excessive evil: God set himself against it; for "the Lord sets himself against the prideful, and gives his charity to the humble".[1]
And the Prophet [says]: "raise your hands towards their arrogances." [2] And elsewhere: "pay back the arrogant."[3]
In the Apostle [it is said]: "it must be thought that those who puff up against those who do not have [something] with what they have are arrogant".[4]
Aelian [says]: "they used to set up a notable and prideful spectacle."[5] Meaning admired.
[In the sense of] magnificent [the headword] also [means] bright.
Aelian [says]: "mattresses adorned with some sort of magnificent weaving".[6]
Greek Original:*(uperh/fanos. pa/sh| kaki/a| a)nti/keitai a)reth/: th=| lagnei/a| h( swfrosu/nh, th=| laimargi/a| h( e)gkra/teia, th=| pleoneci/a| h( dikaiosu/nh, th=| o)rgh=| h( prao/ths, th=| lu/ph| h( xara/, th=| lh/qh| h( mnh/mh, th=| a)khdi/a| h( u(pomonh/, th=| a)frosu/nh| h( fro/nhsis, th=| deili/a| h( a)ndri/a, th=| kenodoci/a| h( tapeinofrosu/nh, kai\ tai=s loipai=s. tw=| de\ tu/fw| mo/nw| ou)k a)nti/keitai a)reth/, dia\ th\n u(perba/llousan kaki/an: e(auto\n de\ a)nte/tacen o( qeo/s: ku/rios ga\r u(perhfa/nois a)ntita/ssetai, tapeinoi=s de\ di/dwsi xa/rin. kai\ o( *profh/ths: e)/paron ta\s xei=ra/s sou e)pi\ ta\s u(perhfani/as au)tw=n. kai\ au)=qis: a)po/dos a)ntapo/dosin toi=s u(perhfa/nois. para\ de\ tw=| *)aposto/lw| tou\s kata\ tw=n ou)k e)xo/ntwn e)f' oi(=s e)/xousi fusw- me/nous u(perhfa/nous nohte/on. kai\ *ai)liano/s: oi( de\ e)/keinto qe/ama e)/ndoco/n te kai\ u(perh/fanon. a)nti\ tou= peri/blepton. *(uperh/fanos kai\ o( lampro/s. *ai)liano/s: kai\ strwmnai=s u(/fei tini\ u(perhfa/nw| kekosmhme/nais.
[1] This final quotation, not identified by Adler, is
Proverbs 3.33
LXX. (See also
Ep.James 4.6;
1 Ep.Peter 5.5; and
Clement of Alexandria,
Stromateis, The source of what precedes it here, however, is unidentifiable.
Psalm 73:3
LXX. See also
Demonst. Evang. 10.1, 6, 5-6;
Comment. in Psalm. vol.23, p.856.
Psalm 93:2
Ep.Romans 1:30; see the note at
phi 508.
Aelian fr. 73c Domingo-Forasté (70 Hercher); cf.
pi 860.
Aelian fr. 53h D-F (50 Hercher); cf.
alpha 73,
delta 75,
upsilon 716.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 20 December 2003@19:13:14.
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