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Search results for upsilon,283 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,283
Translated headword: time-expired
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Time-expired] and time-expiredness: when someone turns up after the appointed [sc. day], be it a festival or [that] of some other gathering or public business, he is then said to be time-expired or having come out of time-expiredness; and 'after the festival,'[1] if it happens, [means someone who] missed most of the festival.
Greek Original:*(uperh/meros kai\ *(uperhmeri/a: o(/tan meta\ th\n kuri/an, e(orth\n tuxo\n h)/ tinos a)/llou h)\ sullo/gou h)\ dedeigme/nou pra/gmatos, a)panth/sh| tis, to/te u(perh/meros kai\ e)c u(perhmeri/as e)lhluqe/nai le/getai, kai\ kato/pin th=s e(orth=s, ei) tu/xoi, plei=ston th=s e(orth=s a)poleifqei/s.
Keywords: daily life; definition; philosophy; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 April 2010@07:48:37.
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