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Search results for upsilon,282 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,282
Translated headword: defaulters
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] litigants taking days for recompense and not paying it.[1]
Those convicted in some sort of lawsuit and not handing over the fines to the plaintiffs within the statutory time-limits used to be called defaulters, and what they were doing, default (u(perhmeri/a).[2]
Greek Original:*(uperh/meroi: oi( e)n tai=s katadi/kais pro\s e)/ktisin h(me/ras labo/ntes kai\ mh\ dialusa/menoi. oi( di/khn o)fei/lontes o(poianou=n kai\ ta\ e)piti/mia toi=s e(lou=si mh\ a)podido/ntes e)n tai=s taktai=s proqesmi/ais u(perh/meroi e)kalou=nto, to\ de\ pra=gma u(perhmeri/a.
Keywords: definition; economics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 December 2000@10:28:22.
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