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Search results for upsilon,23 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,23
Translated headword: health
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is two-fold, the one in the doctor, the other in the body which is being healed. And the one in the doctor creates the one in the body; exactly as the order in the universe came out of the order in the creator.[1] What is 'healthy' is one of the things expressed in many ways; for 'healthy' [can be] what creates health, like the medicine; or something preservative [of health], like the way of life; or something that indicates [health], like colour, pulse, ease of breathing, urine.[2]
Greek Original:*(ugei/a: ditth/ e)stin, h( me\n e)n tw=| i)atrw=|, h( de\ e)n tw=| u(giazome/nw| sw/mati. kai\ h( e)n tw=| i)atrw=| poihtikh/ e)sti th=s e)n tw=| sw/mati: ou(/tw kai\ h( e)n tw=| ko/smw| ta/cis e)k th=s e)n tw=| dhmiourgw=| ta/cews ge/gone. to\ de\ u(gieino\n tw=n pollaxw=s legome/nwn e)sti/n: u(gieino\n ga\r to\ poihtiko\n u(gei/as, w(s to\ fa/rmakon: to\ de\ fulaktiko/n, w(s h( di/aita: to\ de\ shmantiko/n, w(s xrw=ma, sfugmo/s, eu)/pnoia, ou)=ra.
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 29 December 2008@17:02:21.
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