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Search results for upsilon,206 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,206
Translated headword: withdrew
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] arrived.
"Camillus the Roman general[1] became an object of the greatest jealousy to the citizens and was indicted by the tribunes, on a charge of not having benefited the public treasury with the plunder of the enemies;[2] and he withdrew voluntarily before the trial." So [writes] Dio.[3]
Herodotus [writes]: "he was seized with fear of the Spartiates and withdrew to Thessaly. From there he entered Arcadia and stirred up revolution."[4] So 'he withdrew' stands for he fled, he escaped.
Greek Original:*(upece/sxen: a)fi/keto. o(/ti *ka/millos o( tw=n *(rwmai/wn strathgo\s e)pifqonw/tatos toi=s poli/tais geno/menos e)gra/fh u(po\ tw=n dhma/rxwn, w(s mhde\n e)k th=s lei/as tw=n polemi/wn to\ dhmo/sion w)felh/sas: kai\ e(kousi/ws pro\ th=s di/khs u(pece/sxen. ou(/tw *di/wn. kai\ *(hro/dotos: o( de\ dei=ma e)/labe *spartihte/wn kai\ u(pece/sxen e)s *qessali/hn. e)nteu=qen a)fiko/menos e)s th\n *)arkadi/an new/tera e)/prhsse prh/gmata. u(pece/sxen ou)=n, a)nti\ tou=, e)/fugen, a)pe/drasen.
The headword -- presumably extracted from the first quotation given -- is aorist indicative active, third person singular, of the verb
[1] Marcus Furius Camillus (c. 435-365),
kappa 283; see entry at web address 1 with a link to
Life of Camillus.
[2] i.e. the Etruscan city of
Veii (Wikipedia entry at web address 2), conquered by the Romans in 396 BCE.
Cassius Dio 6.24.4 (web address 3); but read
e)pifqonw/teros ["the object of increased jealousy"] for the Suda's
Herodotus 6.74.1, on the Spartan king Kleomenes (web address 4).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 10 August 2009@09:26:09.
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