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Search results for upsilon,16 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,16
Translated headword: hybris, assault, outrage
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the [sc. sort of attack that comes] with contumely and abuse, whereas battery [
ai)ki/a] [sc. is a matter of] blows only.
Lysias in the [speech]
On Battery in reply to Isokrates [writes]: "and yet which of you [jurors] is unaware that for
aikia the penalty is only monetary, while you are allowed to punish with death those deemed to have committed
Greek Original:*(/ubris: h( meta\ prophlakismou= kai\ e)phrei/as, ai)ki/a de\ plhgai\ mo/non. *lusi/as e)n tw=| *peri\ ai)ki/as pro\s *)isokra/thn: kai/toi ti/s ou)k oi)=den u(mw=n, o(/ti th\n me\n ai)ki/an xrhma/twn e)/sti mo/non timh=sai, tou\s de\ u(bri/zein do/cantas e)/cestin u(mi=n qana/tw| zhmiou=n.
S.C. Todd, The Shape of Athenian Law (Oxford 1993) 270-1
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 November 2001@06:01:38.
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