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Adler number: upsilon,15
Translated headword: outrageous violence nurtures a tyrant
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Violence [does this], if sated to no good purpose with much that is out of season and inappropriate."[1] Through violence, he is saying, the tyrant renews himself. And when, he is saying, he has accomplished many things, then it is that he falls into great constraint, encouraged by violence. For this is what is meant by "having scaled the most precipitous height, he rushes on into constraint."
"For violations of his own children were not, by being so common, considered violations; rather, it was an everyday and easy matter for him to carry out such sins."
Eunapius says [this] about Carinus [the] emperor.[2]
Greek Original:*(/ubris futeu/ei tu/rannon. u(/bris, ei) pollw=n u(perplhsqh=| ma/tan, a(\ mh\ 'pi/kaira mhde\ sumfe/ronta. dia\ th=s u(/brews, fhsi/n, a)naneou=tai o( tu/rannos. kai\ o(/tan, fhsi/, polla\ diapra/chtai, to/te ei)s mega/lhn a)na/gkhn e)mpi/ptei, dia\ th=s u(/brews e)parqei/s. tou=to ga\r shmai/nei to/, a)krota/tan ei)sanaba=s' a)po/tomon w)/rousen ei)s a)na/gkan. pai/dwn me\n ga\r oi( gegono/twn u(/breis dia\ to\ su/nhqes ou)de\ u(/breis e)nomi/sqhsan: a)ll' h)=n e)gku/klion au)tw=| kai\ pro/xeiron toiau=ta a(marta/nein. *eu)na/pio/s fhsi peri\ *kari/nou basile/ws.
[1] The headword phrase, running on into the entry itself, quotes
Oedipus Tyrannus 873-5 (web address 1); comment from the
scholia to 873 now follows, with further quotation (876-7). For the sentiment cf.
Solon fr.6 West and
Theognis 153: hybris child of excess (
Euripides: hybris born of success (
eu)praci/a, fr.437) and wealth (
plou=tos, fr. 438).
Dionysius (4th c. tragedian): "Hybris is the mother of injustice" (
Eunapius 212.17-20 Dindorf; cf.
epsilon 133,
kappa 391. (Marcus Aurelius Carinus, Roman emperor 283-284, elder son of the emperor Carus, and reportedly assassinated by a tribune whose wife he had seduced. See Vopiscus,
Carinus (recital of his crimes); Aurelius Victor,
De Caesaribus, 38, Epit. 38; Eutropius ix.8-20;
Zonaras xii.30; Orosius vii. 25; RE ii. 24 if.).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: children; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; tragedy
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 20 May 2002@09:20:12.
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