['Burning'] and [sc. also attested is] qu/yai ('to burn'), [meaning] to scorch. Also [sc. attested are] quma/lwpes ('embers'), [meaning] the coals left behind after the burning, the half-scorched [ones].
*qu/yis kai\ *qu/yai, e)pikau=sai. kai\ quma/lwpes, oi( a)poleleimme/noi th=s qu/yews a)/nqrakes, oi( h(mi/kautoi.
Apart from the unglossed primary headword, the rest of the entry (which is lacking, Adler reports, in ms F) is copied from
alpha 4398 (as is
theta 547). All three words at issue are derived from the verb
tu/fw ('smoke', 'smolder', 'burn'), which descends from the proto-Greek stem *
quf-) and has lost the initial theta still present in some of its daughter words.
The present primary headword is only attested elsewhere in lexicography, specifically as here in the genitive case
qu/yews, in definitions of the term
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