*qu/stion: po/lis th=s *ai)twli/as. tine\s de\ *qu/tion, a)/neu tou= s1.
A problematic entry. Its immediate source, Harpokration s.v., was generated by
Aeschines 3.122, where mention is made of the Thyteion (sic: "Sacrificing-place") at
Delphi. Harpokration does, though, proceed directly from citing
Aeschines to calling Thystion "a city of
Aitolia"; for this
Didymus is cited, who in turn is said to have cited Nikandros of
Matters Aitolian (FGrH 271-2 F3). Perhaps Aitolian Thesteia (Barrington Atlas map 55 grid A3)?
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