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Search results for theta,618 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,618
Translated headword: sacred implements
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the Bacchic sprigs, that is, fig leaves. But some [sc. say that they are] the things carried to the altars. Others [sc. say] the leaves of the grape, or ivy-vines, or branches, sticks, fennel-stalks, sacrificial offerings, garlands, libations.
Greek Original:*qu/sqla: ai( kra/dai ai( bakxikai/, h)/toi sukh=s fu/lla. e)/nioi de\ ta\ e)pifero/mena toi=s bwmoi=s. oi( de\ ta\ fu/lla th=s a)mpe/lou, h)\ kissou/s, h)\ kla/dous, r(a/bdous, na/rqhkas, qu/mata, stefanw/mata, xoa/s.
Most likely from commentary to
Iliad 6.134, where this neuter plural occurs (web address 1). Compare the
scholia thereto; also Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon 89.6,
Hesychius theta961 (the closest to the present entry),
Etymologicum Gudianum 267.37,
Etymologicum Magnum 459.25;
Lexicon theta287 Theodoridis.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; art history; botany; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; food; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 February 2008@03:17:53.
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