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Search results for theta,601 in Adler number:
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Headword: *quraulei=n
Adler number: theta,601
Translated headword: to camp out
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to wander across the countryside, or to camp beside the doors, that is to sit down and squat against [them].[1]
"As of a girl hunting and camping out, nourished on storms, tossed by winds, the hair was copious and thick."[2]
Greek Original:
*quraulei=n: plana=sqai kata\ th\n xw/ran, h)\ para\ tai=s qu/rais au)li/zesqai, o(/per e)sti\ kaqe/zesqai kai\ prosedreu/ein. w(s a)\n qhrw/shs ko/rhs kai\ quraulou/shs, trefome/nh me\n o)/mbrois, tinassome/nh de\ a)ne/mois ko/mh pollh\ h)=n kai\ baqei=a.
[1] = Photius, Lexicon theta98 Theodoridis, except that Ph. has "across the city". Similarly in (e.g.) Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon (990a22), perhaps referring to Plato, Laws 695A, where the headword occurs (web address 1); however, since Timaeus draws on many other authors besides Plato, there are great attractions in Theodoridis' suggestion that the passage which has generated these entries is Isocrates 6.76 (quraulei=n kai\ plana=sqai kata\ th\n xw/ran).
[2] Iamblichus, Babyloniaca fr. 17 Habrich (along with beta 26).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; clothing; daily life; definition; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 15 February 2008@07:48:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 15 February 2008@07:55:33.
Catharine Roth (modified coding) on 15 February 2008@11:23:55.
David Whitehead (twaked and expanded n.1) on 7 January 2013@08:50:03.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 27 December 2014@23:50:30.


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