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Search results for theta,584 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,584
Translated headword: tunny-watching, tuna-watching
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [sc. uses the word]. Since the tunny-watchers stand on a high spot and keep watch for the tunnies as they enter the nets.[1]
And elsewhere: "a man who is unable to tell the name of his grandfather, nor does he say [that] of his father except [as a guess], having leapt from the tunny-watch into the leader's chariot."[2]
Greek Original:*qunnoskopw=n: *)aristofa/nhs. e)pei\ oi( qunnosko/poi e)f' u(/yous i(sta/menoi th\n kataskoph\n tw=n ei)sio/ntwn qu/nnwn ei)s ta\ di/ktua poiou=ntai. kai\ au)=qis: a)/nqrwpos ou)k e)/xwn ei)pei=n o)/noma pa/ppou, a)ll' ou)de\ patro/s fasi plh\n o(/son, a)po\ qunnoskopei/ou e)pi\ th\n h(gemonikh\n a)ph/nhn a(la/menos.
See also the previous entry,
theta 583 (
qunnosko/pos) for similar and related material. More information on tunny-watching is misplaced under
theta 462: Thrasymachos.
[1] From a scholion to
Knights 313 (web address 1): Kleon (
kappa 1731) is said to watch for incoming imperial tribute as if tunny-watching.
[2] This quotation from
Letter 57 (197d), also known at the speech
Against Andronicus, has been given in a less lacunose form as
alpha 2534. It is included here as a marginal gloss.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; economics; food; history; imagery; rhetoric; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 15 June 2001@15:08:42.
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