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Headword: *qunnosko/pos
Adler number: theta,583
Translated headword: tuna-watcher, tunny-watcher
Vetting Status: high
Just as tunnies do not escape the notice of the tunny-watcher when they enter the net, so those who bring tribute do not escape the notice of Kleon when they approach the city. He snatches these [tributes] in advance, then, although it ought to be the city that receives them. [Aristophanes] therefore is criticizing him because he expropriates the public funds. At the same time he also slanders him for his luxurious appetites.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "[...] or enjoys buffoonish speech which does its work at the wrong time or doesn't settle hateful strife [...] or betrays an outpost [...] or exports contraband from Aigina [Myth, Place], being a Thorykion,[2] a toll-collector [...]".[3]
Greek Original:
*qunnosko/pos: kaqa/per to\n qunnosko/pon ei)sio/ntes ei)s to\ di/ktuon ou) lanqa/nousin oi( qu/nnoi, ou(/tws ou) lanqa/nousi to\n *kle/wna th=s po/lews e)pibai/nontes oi( tou\s fo/rous fe/rontes. proarpa/zei ou)=n tou/tous, de/on th\n po/lin lamba/nein tou/tous. o)neidi/zei ou)=n au)tw=|, o(/ti ta\ dhmo/sia nosfi/zetai xrh/mata. a(/ma de\ kai\ ei)s o)yofagi/an au)to\n diaba/llei. *)aristofa/nhs: h)\ bwmolo/xois e)/pesi xai/rei mh\ 'n kairw=| tou=to poiou=sin, h)\ sta/sin e)xqra\n mh\ katalu/ei h)\ prodi/dwsi frou/rion h)\ ta)po/rrht' a)pope/mpei e)c *ai)gi/nhs *qwruki/wn a)/n, ei)kostolo/gos.
[1] A scholion to Aristophanes, Knights 313 (web address 1). See also the next entry, theta 584.
[2] Reading, with the manuscripts of Aristophanes, *qwriki/wn w)/n instead of the *qwriki/wn a)/n of the Suda manuscripts. On Thorykion see theta 444.
[3] This lacunose quotation from Aristophanes, Frogs 358-363 (web address 2) has little obvious pertinence to the entry. Adler cites one of her predecessors, Kuster, as deleting the reference here and assigning it to the entry on Thorykion (theta 444). The word "toll-collector", ei)kostolo/gos, is more exactly "twentieth-collector"; in 413 BCE Athenian imperial tribute was replaced by a 5% toll on seaborne traffic passing through ports under Athenian control (Thucydides 7.28.4), Aigina [Myth, Place] notionally being one of them.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; economics; food; geography; history; law; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 15 June 2001@16:11:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 16 June 2001@08:57:21.
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 16 June 2001@09:05:00.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 3 November 2005@09:55:08.
David Whitehead on 7 January 2013@07:26:46.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 22 December 2018@00:21:13.


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