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Search results for theta,58 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,58
Translated headword: they mix a bright-headbanded Thasian [sauce]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Tharsos is different from
thrasos: for
tharsos is the term for the sensible state of the soul, but
thrasos the opposite.[1]
Aristophanes [sc. uses the headword phrase].[2] Such as a bowl filled with Thasian wine.[3] And
a)/mpuc[4] is the term for the encompassing part. So here he is speaking of the lid of the vessel: 'bright' because of the sweetness of the wine, 'headbanded' from the fact that it protects and covers the wine -- by a misuse of language. The [word] 'flagon' he omits, since they smear the mouth with pitch; [but] not persuasively; for Thasian wine is not yet esteemed amongst Athenians. Others [explain the headword phrase by saying] that certain Thasian radishes are being spoken of. He is saying that the [preparation] has been seasoned and is being shaken. Others claim that a Thasian dye is being spoken of. Others [maintain that the passage refers to] the so-called hot-drink cup,[5] or Thasian dip,[6] into which they used to douse char-grilled fish.
Greek Original:*qasi/an kukw=si lipara/mpuka. diafe/rei de\ qa/rsos qra/sous: qa/rsos me\n ga\r le/getai to\ eu)/logon para/sthma th=s yuxh=s, qra/sos de\ tou)nanti/on. *)aristofa/nhs. oi(=on fia/lhn *qasi/ou oi)/nou peplhrwme/nhn. a)/mpuc de\ le/getai to\ perie/xon. nu=n ou)=n to\ pw=ma tou= a)ggei/ou le/gei: liparo\n me\n dia\ to\ h(du\ tou= oi)/nou, a)/mpuka de\ para\ to\ puka/zein kai\ kalu/ptein to\n oi)=non kataxrhstikw=s. lei/pei to\ la/gunon, e)pei\ kataxri/ontai pi/ssh| to\ sto/ma: ou) piqanw=s: ou)de/pw ga\r to/te *qa/sios oi)=nos eu)doki/mei par' *)aqhnai/ois. oi( de/, o(/ti *qa/sioi/ tines r(afani=des le/gontai. le/gei de\ th\n h)rtume/nhn kai\ brassome/nhn. oi( de\ *qa/sion ba/mma fasi\ le/gesqai. oi( de\ th\n legome/nhn qermopo/tida, h)\ *qasi/an zwma/lmhn, ei)s h(\n a)pe/bapton ta\ h)nqrakwme/na tw=n i)xqu/wn.
[1] This intrusive material is lacking, Adler reports, in ms F (Laurentianus 55.1).
qa/rsos and
qra/sos are different dialect forms of the same word -- irrelevant to the entry.
Acharnians 471, the
scholia to which are drawn upon for what follows.
[3] For Thasian wine see also
theta 59 (as well as further below).
[4] The second element in 'bright-headbanded'; see
alpha 1658.
theta 247.
zeta 132.
Keywords: botany; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; imagery; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 February 2007@09:21:25.
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