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Search results for theta,553 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,553
Translated headword: savory-dining stomach
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Of] one capable of dining on savory. It is a kind of plant.[1] From which it is clear that [a stomach] consuming only vegetables [is] poor. But 'savory-eating' [means] rural and independent; inasmuch as those who spend their time in the countryside [are] rather frugal and rather decent. Savory occurs in the countryside. This is a plant wild and harsh. So 'savoury-eating' means bitter and sharp against one's enemies. But others [say it means] sharp and cheerful. And some say it is like thyme.
Greek Original:*qumbrepidei/pnou gastro/s: ta\s qu/mbras duname/nhs deipnei=n. e)/sti de\ bota/nhs ei)=dos. a)f' ou(= dhloi=, o(/ti la/xana mo/na trwgou/shs eu)telh=. *qumbrofa/gon de\ h)/toi a)groikiko\n kai\ e)leuqe/rion: par' o(/son oi( e)n a)grw=| diatri/bontes a)fele/steroi kai\ e)pieike/steroi. to\ de\ qu/mbron e)n a)grw=| gi/netai. e)/sti de\ tou=to a)/grion futo\n kai\ drimu/. qumbrofa/gon ou)=n a)nti\ tou= pikro\n kai\ drimu\n kata\ tw=n e)xqrw=n. oi( de\ a)nti\ tou= drimu\ kai\ i(laro/n. tine\s de/ fasi tw=| qu/mw| ei)=nai paraplh/sion.
The headword phrase (genitive case) comes from
Clouds 421 (web address 1), and the comment from the
scholia there. This leads on to material drawn from the
scholia to
Acharnians 254, where 'savory-eating' occurs (web address 2).
Satureia Thymbra.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; food; imagery
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 February 2008@08:13:33.
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