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Search results for theta,543 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,543
Translated headword: bag, sack
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a bread-store.
Aristophanes in
Plutus [writes]: "there is no barley-meal in the bag".[1]
Balls[2] and wedges and hurdles [are] forms of exercises.[3]
Greek Original:*qu/lakos: h( a)rtoqh/kh. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: w(s a)/lfit' ou)k e)/nestin e)n tw=| qula/kw|. qu/lakoi kai\ sfh=nes kai\ u(pera/lmata gumnasi/wn ei)/dh.
Plutus [
Wealth] 763, with scholion.
[2] Another meaning of the headword: see LSJ s.v.
Artemidorus 1.55.
Keywords: athletics; comedy; daily life; definition; dreams; food
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 6 January 2007@13:59:33.
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