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Search results for theta,530 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,530
Translated headword: Thyateira
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Name of a place.[1] Also [sc. attested is] Thyateirene, a man from the same place.
Dioskorios of
Myra, a grammarian, was prefect of the city and praetorian prefect, tutor to the daughters of the emperor Leon in
Greek Original:*qua/teira: o)/noma to/pou. kai\ *quateirhno/s, o( a)po\ tou= au)tou= to/pou. o(/ti *diosko/rios *murai=os, grammatiko/s, u(/parxos h)=n po/lews kai\ praitwri/wn, o( dida/cas ta\s qugate/ras *le/ontos tou= basile/ws e)n *buzanti/w|.
[1] The ancient city of
Thyateira was located approximately 80 km NE of
Smyrna (Izmir) and lies mostly under the current city of Akhisar; Barrington Atlas Map 56 Grid F4.
[2] Quoted here -- for reasons which are not clear (perhaps merely the similarity of sound between
*qua/teira and
qugate/ra) -- from
delta 1208.
Keywords: biography; children; definition; geography; military affairs; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 7 February 2004@08:08:22.
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