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Search results for theta,523 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,523
Translated headword: th' cloak
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The cloak [1].
"Taking hold of [him] by th' cloak, you said 'Hello', adding [his] name."[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "if you are sensible, you will take hold of th' cloak, so that none of the herm-mutilators will see you."[3] That is, if you do not put it around you, but keep your genitals visible, one of the herm-mutilators will mutilate you.
Greek Original:*qoima/tion: to\ i(ma/tion. qoimati/ou labo/menos xai=re, ei)=pas, to\ o)/noma prosqei/s. *)aristofa/nhs: ei) swfronei=te, qoima/tion lh/yesq', o(/pws tw=n *(ermokopi/dwn mh/ tis u(ma=s o)/yetai. toute/stin ei) mh\ peribalei=sqe, a)lla\ fanera\ e(/cete ai)doi=a, a)krwthria/sei tis u(ma=s tw=n *(ermokopi/dwn.
[1] This simply expands the contraction in the headword phrase.
Aelian fr. 66 Hercher; cf.
beta 109.
Lysistrata 1093-4, with comment from the
scholia there. The 'herm-mutilators' were those involved in an episode of religious vandalism a few years earlier; see
epsilon 3047.
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; history; poetry; religion
Translated by: Nicholas Wilshere on 21 November 2002@16:53:38.
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