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Search results for theta,515 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,515
Translated headword: wick
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "You are bringing in wicks from the enemy." Because of lamp-wicks, it being forbidden and dangerous to import a wick into
Athens. This [is] the reason; "by what manner? For it [the wick] might set the dockyard on fire [...] If a Boeotian man should attach it to a beetle and, making use of a great north wind, send it to the dockyard through a sluice."[1] A
ti/fh ["beetle"] [is] the so-called cockroach. It is a beetle-like creature.[2] A sluice [is] that through which the gathered water from a rainstorm goes down.[3]
Greek Original:*qrualli/s. e)k tw=n polemi/wn ei)sa/geis qrualli/da. dia\ ta\ e)llu/xnia, a)porrh/tou o)/ntos kai\ deinou= ei)sfe/rein qrualli/da ei)s ta\s *)aqh/nas. h( de\ ai)ti/a: ti/ni tro/pw|; au(/th ga\r e)mprh/seie to\ new/rion. e)nqei\s a)\n e)s ti/fhn a)nh\r *boiw/tios, a(/yas a)\n e)spe/myeien e)s to\ new/rion di' u(drorro/as bore/an e)pithrh/sas me/gan. ti/fh h( kaloume/nh si/lfh. e)/sti de\ zw=|on kanqarw=des. u(drorro/a de\ di' ou(= to\ a)po\ tou= o)/mbrou u(/dwr sunago/menon kate/rxetai.
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Keywords: architecture; comedy; definition; geography; law; military affairs; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 4 March 2008@18:26:41.
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