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Search results for theta,514 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,514
Translated headword: wick, plantain
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] hearth, lamp, beam.[1]
The spark, the one from the fire.
Also a plant appropriate for a lamp.
Aristophanes mentions [this] in
Clouds: "you put in [one] of the stout wicks." That is, [one] of the lamp-wicks. Or in olden days the lamp-wicks from a rush.[2]
Greek Original:*qrualli/s: e)sxa/ra, lu/xnos, a)kti/s. o( spinqh\r o( a)po\ tou= puro/s. kai\ bota/nh pro\s lu/xnon a(rmo/zousa. me/mnhtai *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais. tw=n paxeiw=n e)neti/qeis qrualli/dwn. toute/sti tw=n e)lluxni/wn. h)\ a)po\ qru/ou to\ palaio\n ta\ e)llu/xnia.
See also
theta 515. [Adler cross-references to
theta 408, but this appears to be a mistake as 408 is related to
theta 511.]
[1] Same or similar glosses in other lexica.
Clouds 59, with scholion.
Keywords: botany; chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 3 March 2008@14:02:46.
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