Suda On Line
Search results for theta,494 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,494
Translated headword: thriambos, thriambus, triumph
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a display of victory, a parade, and to act pompous; and upon[...].[1]
It received its name from the first verses to be written about Dionysos when he returned from India on a chariot of tigers. For they call the rapture of poets qri/asis. Or from the term qri/a, the leaves of the fig dedicated to Dionysos.[2] Also because first, before masks were invented, they used to cover their faces completely with fig leaves and utter invective in iambic verse. But also the soldiers, imitating people on stage, used to cover their faces with leaves by way of ridicule and utter invective against those who were participating in the triumph.[3]
Otherwise: in certain cities, when the figs were in blossom, children used to prune off the [figs] along with the fig-leaves themselves and play with them, reciting iambic tetrameters.[4] Dionysos is also called 'Thriambos', because he rides on beasts [qhrw=n], specifically, on lions; that is, a thriambos. Or because he is the discoverer of the fig. Or from the act of jumping [qorei=n], for he is prone to leaping. For he is also called Thysterios, from qu/w ['to rage'] which means to stimulate. From which [also] arises the swinging tassel.[5]
Greek Original:*qri/ambos: e)pi/deicis ni/khs, pomph/, kai\ to\ semnu/nesqai: kai\ e)pi. *qri/ambos. w)noma/sqh de\ a)po\ tw=n e)pw=n tw=n prw/twn ei)s *dio/nuson gegramme/nwn e)c *)indi/as e)pi\ a(/rmatos ti/grewn e)panerxo/menon. le/gousi ga\r qri/asin th\n tw=n poihtw=n mani/an. h)\ a)po\ tou= qri=a, ta\ fu/lla th=s sukh=s a)nakeime/nhs tw=| *dionu/sw|. kai\ o(/ti prw=ton pri\n e)pinohqh=nai ta\ proswpei=a sukh=s fu/llois e)ka/lupton pa/nta ta\ e(autw=n pro/swpa kai\ di' i)a/mbwn e)pe/skwpton. a)lla\ kai\ oi( stratiw=tai mimou/menoi tou\s e)pi\ skhnh=s ta\ e(autw=n pro/swpa fu/llois sukh=s e)n tw=| skw/ptein kalu/ptontes skw/mmata ei)s tou\s qriambeu/ontas e)/legon. a)/llws. e)/n tisi po/lesin, o(/tan h)/nqhsan ai( sukai=, pai=des periairou=ntes su\n au)toi=s toi=s qri/ois e)/paizon, profero/menoi i)a/mbia tetra/metra. le/getai de\ kai\ *dio/nusos *qri/ambos, dio/ti e)pi\ qhrw=n, toute/stin e)pi\ leo/ntwn, be/bhken, oi(=on qhri/ambos. h)\ o(/ti kai\ sukh=s e)stin eu(reth/s. h)\ a)po\ tou= qorei=n: phdhtiko\s ga/r. le/getai ga\r kai\ qusth/rios a)po\ tou= qu/ein, o(/ e)stin o(rma=n. a)f' ou(= kai\ to\ ai)wrou/menon qu/sanon.
[1] =
Synagoge theta111 (and
Lexicon theta224 Theodoridis), including the hanging
e)pi- ('upon') at the end. Clearly something has dropped out. Ms F has
e)pideiktikw=s ('in the manner of a show-speech'), but that is probably just a guess on the scribe's part. One could imagine
e)pidei/cis ('show') or
e)pideiknu/esqai ('make a show of one's self'). In his edition of
Photius, Theodoridis makes an ingenious suggestion: that the source of the
Synagoge had, adjacent to this entry, one equivalent to
Hesychius theta213:
qemero/n: semno/n. a)f' ou(= kai\ to semnu/nesqai qemeru/nesqai. ('lofty: pompous. From which also to act pompous [is called] "to act lofty"'), and that the two entries were merged in transmission, perhaps on account of the presence of
semnu/nesqai in both. Theodoridis accordingly suggests replacing the
e)pi- with
qemeru/nesqai. Compare the
scholia on Lucian,
How to Write History 31;
Etymologicum Magnum 455.16, which parallels the Suda thus far and then proceeds directly to a later part of the present entry (see below).
[2] Thus far, cf. George the Monk,
Chronicon 110.572; Cedrenus 1.470-471.
[3] A paraphrase of the same material up to this point is found in John of
Antioch fr.167 FHG (4.602), now 250 Roberto.
[4] The
Etymologicum Magnum also has this part of the entry (see n. 1), but includes the word
su=ka ('figs'), which makes for better sense: "children used to prune off the figs along with the fig-leaves themselves and play with them." After "iambic tetrameters" the
Etymologicum Magnum also adds "or half-iambs." Adler also cites
Anecdota Graeca (Cramer) 2.449.1 and 376.13.
[5] Much of this material occurs, with minor variations, in the
Etymologicum Magnum On 'Thysterios' cf.
theta 621. On 'tassels',
theta 614,
theta 615.
Keywords: agriculture; art history; botany; children; Christianity; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; politics; religion; rhetoric; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 February 2008@06:35:43.
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