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Search results for theta,489 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,489
Translated headword: fig-leaves
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the leaves of the fig[-tree].[1]
"Slave, bring me a
thrion of salt-fish, stale."
Aristophanes [says this].[2] A
thrion is a particular concoction amongst Athenians, which includes pork-fat and kid and wheaten-flour and milk and raw porridge to make it solid; and thus, put into fig-leaves, it became a very pleasant food. So [says]
Didymus. Another recipe was called
thrion too, made of brain with relish and cheese and wrapped in fig-leaves and roasted. Since the slices are put into leaves they stay firm. And 'stale' means old and not new.[3]
Homer does not set fig-leaves and
kandulos[4] and milk-cakes[5] and special honey-cakes[6] before the kings.[7]
Aristophanes [writes]: "but I might lose the two fig-leaves of my brain!"[8] He is speaking in reference to the shape of the brain. For it lies just like
thria. That is leaves of a fig[-tree].
Greek Original:*qri=a: ta\ fu/lla th=s sukh=s. qri=on tari/xous oi)=se deu=ro, pai=, saprou=. *)aristofa/nhs. qri=on e)/sti skeu/asma/ ti par' *)aqhnai/ois, o(\ perilamba/nei u(/eion ste/ar kai\ e)ri/feion kai\ semi/dalin kai\ ga/la kai\ lekiqw/dous w)mo\n pro\s to\ ph/gnusqai: kai\ ou(/tws ei)s fu/lla sukh=s e)mballo/menon, h(/diston a)pete/lei brw=ma. ou(/tw *di/dumos. e)kalei=to de\ kai\ a)/llh tis skeuasi/a qri=on, e)gke/falos meta\ ga/rou kai\ turou= skeuazo/menos kai\ e(litto/menos e)n fu/llois sukh=s kai\ o)ptw/menos. e)pei\ e)pi\ fu/llwn ta\ tema/xh ballo/mena basta/zontai. saprou= de\ a)nti\ tou= palaiou= kai\ mh\ ne/ou. ou) ga\r qri=a kai\ ka/ndulon kai\ a)/mhtas, meli/phkta/ te toi=s basileu=sin e)cai/reta parati/qhsin *(/omhros. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: a)ll' a)pole/saim' a)\n e)gkefa/lou qri/w du/o. pro\s to\ sxh=ma fhsi\ tou= e)gkefa/lou. e)/sti ga\r w(/sper qri=a sugkei/menon. toute/sti fu/lla sukh=s.
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Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; food; imagery; medicine; poetry
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 19 January 2008@17:22:50.
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