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Search results for theta,486 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,486
Translated headword: worships
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative. [Meaning he/she/it] venerates god(s), serves the gods.[1]
For it is said that Orpheus the Thracian was the first to prescribe the Greeks' mysteries. And honouring a god they called qrhskeu/ein ["to worship"'], the invention being Thracian. Or from beholding god [qeo\n derkeu/ein], which is to see [god].[2]
Greek Original:*qrhskeu/ei: ai)tiatikh=|. qeosebei=, u(phretei= toi=s qeoi=s. le/getai ga\r w(s *)orfeu\s *qra=|c prw=tos texnologh=sai ta\ *(ellh/nwn musth/ria. kai\ to\ tima=n qeo\n qrhskeu/ein e)ka/lesan, w(s *qra|ki/as ou)/shs th=s eu(re/sews. h)\ a)po\ tou= qeo\n derkeu/ein, o(/ e)stin o(ra=n.
See also
theta 487,
theta 488.
[1] Same or similar glossing (minus the grammatical point) in other lexica; see the references at
Photius theta218 Theodoridis. The headword must be quoted from somewhere.
[2] ps.-
Scholia mythologica 4.69 (on Gregory of Nazianzus PG 36.1021b). For Orpheus see
omicron 654.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; religion
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 2 March 2008@16:51:57.
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