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Search results for theta,476 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,476
Translated headword: thrette
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "There's no thrette in me." Meaning [something] bold, and manly, and courageous. I cannot say what you have in mind.
Greek Original:*qre/tte: ou)k e)/ni moi to\ qre/tte. a)nti\ tou= to\ qarrale/on, kai\ a)ndrei=on, kai\ qrasu/. ou)k e)/stin ei)pei=n, o(\ su\ dianoh=|.
Knights 17, with scholion. (Same entry in ps.-
Zonaras, and similarly already in
Hesychius theta725.) The untranslatable headword, put into the mouth of a slave, was coined for the context.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 2 March 2008@17:11:49.
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