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Search results for theta,47 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,47
Translated headword: bold, of good courage
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] boldness.[1]
*qrasu/s ["rash"] differs from
qarrale/os ["bold"]: [this is] because the rash man has an accusation of being bad, but the bold man is praised as good.
Hyperides says [this] in the
Kythnian [Speech]: "rash men do everything without consideration, but bold men endure steadfastly with consideration the dangers that befall them."[2]
Greek Original:*qarrale/on: qa/rsos. *qrasu\s qarrale/ou diafe/rei: o(/ti o( me\n qrasu\s diabolh\n e)/xei kako\s w)/n, o( de\ qarrale/os w(s a)gaqo\s e)painei=tai. *(uperi/dhs fhsi\n e)n tw=| *kuqniakw=|: oi( me\n qrasei=s a)/neu logismou= pa/nta pra/ttousin, oi( de\ qarrale/oi meta\ logismou= tou\s prospeso/ntas kindu/nous a)ne/kplhktoi u(pome/nousin.
theta 48 (and
theta 57).
[1] Neuter adjective glossed with an abstract noun, as also in
Photius and other lexica.
Hyperides fr. 117 Jensen (the sole surviving fragment of this speech about
Kythnos, a small Aegean island:
kappa 2633). His distinction between these two terms, though clearcut, is actually not borne out by the evidence; see LSJ s.v.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 February 2008@00:40:12.
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