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Headword: *qra|ki/a pareu/resis
Adler number: theta,450
Translated headword: Thracian pretence
Vetting Status: high
They say that after the Thracians had been defeated by Boiotians near Koroneia[1] and sworn a truce to last five days, they made a night attack on the Boiotians, killing some of them and capturing others alive. The Boiotians were outraged, but the Thracians declared that what they had sworn to was the days, not the nights.
Greek Original:
*qra|ki/a pareu/resis: fasi\ tou\s *qra=|kas h(tthqe/ntas u(po\ *boiwtw=n para\ *korw/neian kai\ speisame/nous sponda\s penqhme/rous e)piqe/sqai nukto\s toi=s *boiwtoi=s kai\ tou\s me\n a)poktei=nai, tou\s de\ zwgrh=sai. a)ganaktou/ntwn de\ tw=n *boiwtw=n, ei)pei=n tou\s *qra=|kas, o(/ti ta\s h(me/ras, ou) ta\s nu/ktas e)spei/santo.
Zenobius 4.37, etc. For proverbial Thracian duplicity see also theta 449.
[1] In Boiotia (kappa 2104).
Keywords: daily life; ethics; geography; history; military affairs; proverbs; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 April 2003@10:02:33.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 14 August 2003@00:29:09.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 14 August 2003@03:29:24.
David Whitehead on 6 January 2013@05:23:56.


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