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Search results for theta,439 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,439
Translated headword: chest, corslet, torso
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] tower, chiton, chest.[1]
[So called] from protecting [w)rei=n] the sacred [to\ qei=on], that is to guard the reasoning faculty, which is sacred in us.[2]
"The corslet of a Parthian cavalryman is of the following kind. For it covers in front his chest and thighs and arms from top to bottom and lower legs, but also in the rear his back and neck and entire head. Studs are made for the ribs, which are made of two parts wholly of iron to display the horseman. The iron hinders neither the extension nor the contraction of limbs: in this way it is made precisely for the nature of the limbs. They equip the horse in like manner with iron all the way to the hoofs, because there would be no advantage to them in their own equipment, if the horse dies before them."[3]
Greek Original:*qw/rac: pu/rgos, xitw/n, sth=qos. para\ to\ qei=on w)rei=n, toute/sti fula/ttein to\ dianohtiko/n, o(/ e)stin e)n h(mi=n qei=on. qw/rac de\ i(ppe/ws *pa/rqou toio/sde e)sti/. to\ me\n ga\r au)tou= pro/sw ste/rnon te kai\ mhrou\s kai\ xei=ras a)/kras kai\ knh/mas kalu/ptei, to\ de\ o)/pisqen nw=ta/ te kai\ to\n au)xe/na kai\ th\n kefalh\n a(/pasan. pero/nai de/ ei)si pro\s tai=s pleurai=s pepoihme/nai, ai(=s e(ka/teron tw=n merw=n sumporphqe\n o(/lon sidhrou=n poiei= fai/nesqai to\n i(ppe/a. kwlu/ei de\ ou)de\n o( si/dhros ou)/te ta\s e)kta/seis tw=n melw=n ou)/te ta\s sustola/s: ou(/tws a)kribw=s pro\s th\n tw=n melw=n fu/sin pepoi/htai. o(pli/zousi de\ kai\ to\n i(/ppon o(moi/ws sidh/rw| pa/nta me/xri tw=n o)nu/xwn, dio/ti ou)de\n au)toi=s o)/felos a)\n ei)/h tw=n i)di/wn o(/plwn, ei) o( i(/ppos au)toi=s proapo/loito.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica, and cf. the
scholia to
Wasps 1195 (where the accusative of the headword occurs, in a punning sense).
[2] From Aristophanic
scholia loc.cit.
[3] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 20.
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 27 February 2008@22:43:18.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (more headwords; modified aspects of tr; more notes and keywords) on 28 February 2008@09:59:19.
David Whitehead on 6 January 2013@04:27:17.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 11 December 2018@01:34:35.
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