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Search results for theta,433 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,433
Translated headword: flatters
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative. [Meaning he/she/it] deceives.
In the
Epigrams [it is written]: "in provoking Cypris [= Aphrodite] you flatter, a tyrannical pain." [1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "but if, to win you by flattery, someone were to call
Athens oily, he would gain all because of [calling it] oily, having attached [to you] the honor of anchovies." [2] Oily anchovies, meaning cheap honor. It is also used in the singular
a)fu/h ['small-fry'].
Aristophanes [writes] in
Broilers: "enough of small-fry for me: for I am stretched out from eating."[3]
Greek Original:*qwpeu/ei: ai)tiatikh=|. a)pata=|. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: o(/ti xale/ptwn *ku/prida qwpeu/eis, despotikh\n o)du/nhn. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: ei) de/ tis u(ma=s u(poqwpeu/sas lipara\s kale/seien *)aqh/nas, eu(/reto pa=n a)\n dia\ ta\s lipara/s, a)fu/wn timh\n peria/yas. lipara\s a)fu/as, a)nti\ tou= eu)telh= timh/n. le/getai de\ kai\ e(nikw=s a)fu/h. *)aristofa/nhs e)n *taghnistai=s: a(/lis a)fu/hs moi: parate/tamai ga\r e)sqi/wn.
The headword, third person singular present indicative active of this verb, is evidently quoted from somewhere (perhaps
Republic 563A).
Greek Anthology 5.263.5-6 (
Agathias Scholasticus), a woman worries over possible impediments to her lover's arrival. See another extract from this epigram at
mu 1395.
Acharnians 639-640; cf.
alpha 1244,
alpha 4660,
lambda 575,
pi 461.
Aristophanes fr. 506 Kock, now 520 K.-A.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; philosophy; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 29 February 2008@14:49:59.
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