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Adler number: theta,418
Translated headword: Thourioi-seers, Thurii-seers
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He passed from the generic to the specific. For in saying that the clouds nourish all the sophists, he introduced particular ones. 'Thourioi-seers' [are] not the seers from Thourioi but the ones sent to Thourioi. For after the capture of Synaris[1] they [sc. its inhabitants] took their name from the Thourian spring. The Athenians sent out ten men for its foundation, one of whom was Lampon the seer, to be the expounder of the foundation of the city.
Greek Original:*qourioma/nteis: a)po\ tou= genikou= e)xw/rhsen e)pi\ to\ kat' ei)=dos. ei)pw\n ga/r, o(/ti pa/ntas ai( nefe/lai tre/fousi tou\s sofista/s, e)ph/gage ti/nas. qourioma/nteis de\ ou) tou\s a)po\ *qouri/ou ma/nteis, a)lla\ tou\s ei)s *qou/rion pemfqe/ntas. a(lou/shs ga\r *suna/rews, *qou/rioi e)klh/qhsan a)po\ krh/nhs *qouri/as. e)ce/pemyan de\ ei)s th\n kti/sin au)tw=n *)aqhnai=oi de/ka a)/ndras, w(=n kai\ *la/mpwn h)=n o( ma/ntis, e)chghth\s e)so/menos th=s kti/sews th=s po/lews.
Keywords: biography; comedy; constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history; imagery; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 February 2008@07:10:28.
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