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Search results for theta,415 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,415
Translated headword: Thoulis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man became king of all Egypt and as far as the Ocean, and he called one of the islands in it Thoule from his own name.[1] Elated by his successes he arrived at the oracle of Sarapis, and making a sacrifice he asked this: "Tell me, you who have the strength of fire, without deceit, blessed one, who align yourself with the ethereal course, who before my reign had so much power, or who will have after me?" And a response was given to him that went like this: "First [is] God, then the Word and Spirit with them. All have a shared nature and come together in one; whose might is eternal. Go with swift feet, O mortal, traversing an uncertain life." And when he came out from the oracular shrine, he was slain by his own men in the land of the Africans.
Greek Original:*qou=lis: ou(=tos e)basi/leuse pa/shs *ai)gu/ptou kai\ e(/ws tou= *)wkeanou= kai\ mi/an tw=n e)n au)tw=| nh/swn a)po\ tou= i)di/ou o)no/matos e)ka/lese *qou/lhn. e)parqei\s de\ toi=s katorqw/masi parage/gonen ei)s to\ mantei=on tou= *sara/pidos kai\ qusia/sas e)rwta=| tau=ta: fra/son h(mi=n purisqenh/, a)yeudh=, ma/kar, o( to\n ai)qe/rion metegkli/nwn dro/mon, ti/s pro\ th=s e)mh=s basilei/as e)dunh/qh tosau=ta; h)\ ti/s e)/stai met' e)me/; kai\ e)do/qh au)tw=| xrhsmo\s e)/xwn ou(/tws: prw=ta qeo/s, mete/peita lo/gos kai\ pneu=ma su\n au)toi=s: su/mfuta de\ pa/nta kai\ ei)s e(\n i)o/nta: ou(= kra/tos ai)w/nion. w)ke/si posi\ ba/dize, qnhte/, a)/dhlon dianu/wn bi/on. kai\ e)celqw\n e)k tou= mantei/ou u(po\ tw=n i)di/wn e)sfa/gh e)n th=| tw=n *)/afrwn xw/ra|.
cf. John Malalas p.24.22ff.; John of
Antioch fr. 6(9) FHG (4.543) = 7.3 Roberto;
Chronicon Paschale ed. Dindorf p. 83f.
[1] See generally OCD(4) s.v. Thule -- variously identified with Iceland, Norway, or one of the Shetland Islands. In any event, proverbial in Virgil and elsewhere (
ultima Thule) for the remotest place on earth. For the Orkneys, see
omicron 665.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; poetry; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 February 2008@01:08:03.
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