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Adler number: theta,414
Translated headword: Thucydides, Thukydides, Thoukydides, Thoukudides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Oloros; an Athenian; and he had a son, Timotheos. On his father's side he was descended from the general Miltiades, and on his mother's side from the Thracian king Oloros. He was a student of Antiphon. His floruit was the 87th Olympiad.[1] He wrote about the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians. At
Olympia, while still a child, he heard
Herodotus reciting the histories he had written, and he was so moved with enthusiasm that his eyes filled with tears. When
Herodotus recognized the boy's nature he addressed his father Oloros: "I pronounce you blessed for this wonderful child, Oloros. For your son has a soul passionate for learning." And he was not mistaken in this pronouncement.[2]
Thucydides was a man of many talents, in beauty of words, in accuracy of facts, and in strategic, deliberative and panegyric rhetoric.
This author switches from feminine words to neuter. For instance: "they turn toward Macedonia, to which they had first [...]."[3]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "Thucydidean writing."
Greek Original:*qoukudi/dhs, *)olw/rou, *)aqhnai=os, pai=da de\ e)/sxe *timo/qeon. h)=n de\ a)po\ me\n patro\s *miltia/dou tou= strathgou= to\ ge/nos e(/lkwn, a)po\ de\ mhtro\s *)olw/rou tou= *qra|kw=n basile/ws: maqhth\s *)antifw=ntos. h)/kmaze kata\ th\n pz# *)olumpia/da: e)/graye de\ to\n po/lemon tw=n *peloponnhsi/wn kai\ *)aqhnai/wn. ou(=tos h)/kousen e)/ti pai=s tugxa/nwn *(hrodo/tou e)pi\ th=s *)olumpi/as ta\s i(stori/as dierxome/nou, a(\s sunegra/yato, kai\ kinhqei\s u(po/ tinos e)nqousiasmou= plh/rhs dakru/wn e)ge/neto. kai\ o( *(hro/dotos katanoh/sas th\n au)tou= fu/sin pro\s to\n pate/ra *qoukudi/dou *)/olwron e)/fh: makari/zw se th=s eu)tekni/as, *)/olwre: o( ga\r so\s ui(o\s o)rgw=san e)/xei th\n yuxh\n pro\s ta\ maqh/mata. kai\ ou)k e)yeu/sqh ge th=s a)pofa/sews. ou(=tos o( *qoukudi/dhs a)nh\r h)=n polu\s tai=s te/xnais, ka/llei lo/gwn kai\ a)kribei/a| pragma/twn kai\ strathgi/ais kai\ sumbouli/ais kai\ panhgurikai=s u(poqe/sesin. o( suggrafeu\s ou(=tos metabai/nei a)po\ tw=n qhlukw=n ei)s ou)de/teron: oi(=on, tre/pontai ei)s *makedoni/an, e)f' o(/per kai\ pro/teron. kai\ *qoukudi/deios grafh/.
Material drawn from the principal ancient biographies of
Thucydides (
See generally OCD(4) s.v.
[1] 432-429.
[2] This anecdote reappears, in brief, at
omicron 502.
[3] Thuc. 1.59.2. The point (made also in a scholion to 1.122.3) is that the word "Macedonia" is grammatically feminine, while the relative pronoun referring to it, "which," (
o(/per) is neuter.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 6 October 1999@18:15:56.
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