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Search results for theta,376 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,376
Translated headword: labouring mass, labouring masses
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the [mass(es)] slaving for a wage.[1]
"And the Persians themselves led a vast [force of] labourers/serfs into battle, and even children and women, whom, doubtless according to some ancestral custom, they brought into dangers as observers of their own valor."[2]
Greek Original:*qhtiko\n plh=qos: to\ e)pi\ misqw=| douleu=on. kai\ qhtiko\n e)ph/gonto oi( au)toi\ e)s to\n po/lemon oi( *pe/rsai plei=ston o(/son kai\ paidi/a kai\ gunai=kas, ou(\s kata/ tina dh\ pa/trion no/mon e)s tou\s kindu/nous qeata\s oi)kei/as a)lkh=s h)=gon.
[1] The headword phrase, evidently quoted from somewhere, is similarly glossed in the
Lexica Segueriana (and, post-Suda, the
Etymologicum Magnum); and cf. generally
theta 373,
theta 374,
theta 375.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable. (Valesius [Henri de Valois] attributed it to
Cassius Dio -- rashly according to Adler, who suggested instead an anonymous Alexander-historian [FGrH 151].)
Keywords: children; definition; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; women
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 26 February 2008@22:45:08.
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