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Adler number: theta,368
Translated headword: at the Theseia, at the Theseus-festival
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. The Theseia is] a certain festival celebrated amongst the Athenians. For after Theseus gave the Athenians their democracy, a certain Lykos by false slanders got the hero ostracized. He repaired to
Skyros and spent time with Lykomedes, dynast of the island -- who out of jealousy killed him guilefully. But the Athenians suffered a famine and were ordered to avenge Theseus, so they killed Lykomedes, and after bringing the bones [of Theseus] back and constructing the Theseion they honored him equal to a god. And there were doles and feasts at the Theseia. And a festival was celebrated for him, since he brought Attica together, when it had previously been inhabited as [separate] villages.[1]
This Theseus, son of Aigeus, an Athenian, made a display of many [wondrous] deeds. For he pacified all the land from
Troizen as far as
Athens, which had been full of pirates, by killing Kerkyon and Skiron and Sinnis the pine-bender[2] and Periphantos the club-bearer, whose club he himself later carried, and Prokroustes the killer of guests. He also mastered the Amazon host when it came to
Athens, and after marrying their queen he got [a son] Hippolytos. Then he married Phaidra. He also waged war against the Centaurs on the side of the Lapiths and King Perithous,[3] and other such things.
Greek Original:*qhsei/oisin: e(orth/ tis teloume/nh par' *)aqhnai/ois. meta\ ga\r to\ xari/sasqai th\n dhmokrati/an toi=s *)aqhnai/ois to\n *qhse/a, *lu/kos tis sukofanth/sas e)poi/hsen e)costrakisqh=nai to\n h(/rwa. o( de\ parageno/menos e)s *sku=ron dih=ge para\ *lukomh/dei duna/sth| th=s nh/sou: o(\s zhlotuph/sas a)nairei= au)to\n do/lw|. *)aqhnai=oi de\ limw/cantes kai\ keleusqe/ntes e)kdikh=sai tw=| *qhsei= to\n me\n *lukomh/dhn a)nei=lon, ta\ de\ o)sta= metasteila/menoi kai\ to\ *qhsei=on oi)kodomh/santes i)soqe/ous au)tw=| tima\s ne/mousi. kai\ e)gi/nonto dianomai\ kai\ eu)wxi/ai toi=s *qhsei/ois. e(orth\ de\ au)tw=| e)telei=to, e)peidh\ au)to\s sunh/gage th\n *)attikh/n, pro/teron kata\ kw/mas oi)koume/nhn. ou(=tos de\ o( *qhseu\s o( ui(o\s *ai)ge/ws, *)aqhnai=os, polla\ e)/rga e)pedei/cato. kai\ ga\r to\n a)po\ *troizh=nos xw=ron a(/panta a)/xris *)aqhnw=n h(me/rwse, lh|stw=n e)/mplewn o)/nta, a)nelw\n *kerku/ona kai\ *ski/rwna kai\ *si/nnin to\n pituoka/mpthn kai\ *peri/fanton to\n korunh/thn, ou(= th\n koru/nhn au)to\s u(/steron e)fo/rei, kai\ *prokrou/sthn to\n cenofo/non: kai\ *)amazoni/dwn strato\n e)lqo/nta e)p' *)aqh/nas e)xeirw/sato kai\ th\n basili/da gh/mas e)/sxen *(ippo/luton: ei)=ta e)/ghme *fai/dran. e)polemh/qh de\ au)tw=| kai\ pro\s *kentau/rous po/lemos kai\ u(pe\r *lapiqw=n kai\ *peiri/qou tou= basile/ws, kai\ a)/lla a)/tta.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; military affairs; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 20 May 2002@22:52:36.
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