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Headword: *qhteu\s kai\ *qhtiko/n
Adler number: theta,365
Translated headword: thetes and thetic census
Vetting Status: high
With the citizen-body in Athens divided into four, the poorest were called thetes, and [were said] to have a thetic census. These men shared in no office and did not serve in the army.[1] And "thete-ess" is the name the Attic writers used to give to the impoverished girl.[2] It was compulsory for the nearest male relatives either to take her in marriage or to pay [her] five mnai.
Greek Original:
*qhteu\s kai\ *qhtiko/n: ei)s d# diairoume/nhs par' *)aqhnai/ois th=s politei/as, oi( a)porw/tatoi qhtei=s e)le/gonto, kai\ qhtiko\n telei=n. ou(=toi de\ ou)demia=s metei=xon a)rxh=s ou)de\ e)strateu/onto. kai\ qh=ssan de\ w)no/mazon oi( *)attikoi\ th\n penixra\n ko/rhn, h(\n e)panagke\s h)=n tou\s e)/ggista ge/nous h)\ lamba/nein pro\s ga/mon h)\ pe/nte mna=s dido/nai.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., commenting in the first instance on Antiphon fr. 69 Sauppe (and citing Demosthenes, the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia, Aristophanes and Posidippus).
In the Suda's headword, Harpok.'s plural qh=tes has become a singular qhteu/s. It does not exist, and must simply be corrected.
[1] sc. as hoplites.
[2] cf. theta 359, theta 372.
Keywords: comedy; constitution; daily life; definition; economics; law; military affairs; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2000@07:29:52.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 13 August 2003@18:33:05.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords) on 14 August 2003@03:06:35.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 10 July 2011@08:28:54.
David Whitehead on 3 January 2013@08:19:38.
David Whitehead on 28 April 2016@04:30:54.


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