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Search results for theta,361 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,361
Translated headword: treasuries of winds
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Not some kind of store-houses, but the ease of movement when the air is without wind.
Greek Original:*qhsauroi\ a)ne/mwn: ou)k a)poqh=kai/ tines, a)ll' h( r(a|di/a ki/nhsis, a)phne/mou tou= a)e/ros o)/ntos.
Theodoret (PG 80, 1916c) on
Psalm 134.7
cf. generally
theta 362. For
a)ph/nemos, see
alpha 3162.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; economics; imagery; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Nicholas Wilshere on 30 November 2002@05:15:41.
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