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Search results for theta,310 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,310
Translated headword: inspiration, frenzy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Arrian [writes]: "concerted applause and appeals to the gods were initiated on behalf of both the king and the army, as the assault had proved successful for both."[1]
Greek Original:*qeiasmo/s. *)arriano/s: kro/tos te a)qro/os kai\ e)piqeiasmoi\ w(rmh/qhsan u(pe/r te tou= basile/ws kai\ th=s stratia=s, e)pituxh= a)mfoi=n gene/sqai th\n o(rmh/n.
For the headword see also
theta 311 (plural and again unglossed).
[1] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 34 (which does not contain the present headword but a compound form of it, in the plural; cf.
epsilon 2330,
alpha 4495,
pi 305).
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 21 February 2008@22:50:39.
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