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Search results for theta,305 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,305
Translated headword: divine things
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] righteous [ones], and upright [ones], and marvelous [ones].[1]
"[...] and good [men] are divine: for they have in themselves something like a god: but the bad [man is] godless. The godless [man] is of two kinds: the one who is called opposed to god and the one inclined to set divinity at naught -- not to be [divine] is altogether bad. The good are god-fearing: for they are experienced in the customs relating to god."[2]
Greek Original:*qei=a: eu)qe/a, kai\ o)rqa/, kai\ qaumasta/. qei/ous te ei)=nai tou\s spoudai/ous: e)/xein ga\r e)n e(autoi=s oi(onei\ qeo/n: to\n de\ fau=lon a)/qeon. ditto\n de\ ei)=nai to\n a)/qeon: to/n te e)nanti/on tw=| qew=| lego/menon kai\ to\n e)couqenhtiko\n tou= qei/ou: o(/per ou)k ei)=nai peri\ pa/nta fau=lon. qeosebei=s te tou\s spoudai/ous: e)mpei/rous ga\r ei)=nai tw=n peri\ qeou= nomi/mwn.
[1] Neuter plural, with same glossing in
Photius and other lexica (and cf.
theta 320; evidently quoted from somewhere.
[2] Stoic doctrine from
Diogenes Laertius 7.119.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 20 February 2008@22:58:24.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added keywords, set status) on 21 February 2008@01:07:43.
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 21 February 2008@08:46:51.
David Whitehead on 2 January 2013@06:12:24.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 25 November 2018@01:36:38.
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