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Search results for theta,297 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,297
Translated headword: Theuderikhos, Theoderic, Theodoric
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Theodoric, the African,[1] had a certain orthodox deacon whom he loved and favored very much. This deacon, thinking to please Theodoric, deserted the homoousian faith,[2] and adopted the heresy of Arius.[3] When Theodoric learned this, he at once beheaded the man whom he loved so much, saying, "If you did not keep faith with God, how will you keep a good conscience with man?"
Greek Original:*qeude/rixos. o(/ti *qeude/rixos, o( *)/afros, dia/kono/n tina ei)=xen o)rqo/docon, o(\n pa/nu h)ga/pa kai\ e)/qalpen. ou(=tos de\ o( dia/konos nomi/zwn *qeuderi/xw| xari/zesqai, th=s o(moousi/ou pi/stews a)posta/s, ta\ *)arei/ou e)fro/nhse. gnou\s de\ tou=to *qeude/rixos, to\n ou(/tws a)gapw/menon eu)qe/ws a)pekefa/lisen ei)pw/n: ei) tw=| qew=| pi/stin ou)k e)fu/lacas, pw=s a)nqrw/pw| fula/ceis sunei/dhsin u(giai/nousan;
Theodore the Reader PG 86.193b. For Theodoric see already
theta 296.
[1] Theodoric was born near Carnuntum in Pannonia, so why he should be given such an epithet is not clear, although his kingdom included parts of North
[2] Consubstantiality; see also under
alpha 3397,
beta 150,
gamma 450,
epsilon 3782,
lambda 256,
omicron 762.
[3] See generally
alpha 3835. This story could be a confused version of Boethius' execution (see web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 July 2003@00:34:54.
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