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Headword: *qettalw=n so/fisma
Adler number: theta,291
Translated headword: Thessalians' trick
Vetting Status: high
They apply [sc. this proverbial phrase] to a battle and to a pretence and to a deception and to countless other things, for the following reason. When Aratios[1] was returning, the god warned him to beware, in case those consulting the oracle from an opposing standpoint gained an advantage over him by making a larger and more splendid vow. So he vowed that he would sacrifice a hundred men to Apollo. But when he had achieved what he wanted, he kept on postponing the sacrifice as being religiously unsuitable.[2]
The Thessalians are accused of being slave-dealers and faithless men.[3]
Greek Original:
*qettalw=n so/fisma: kai\ e)pi\ ma/xhs kai\ e)pi\ sxh/matos kai\ e)pi\ parakrou/sews kai\ a)/llwn muri/wn ta/ssousin a)po\ ai)ti/as toiau/ths. *)arati/w| ga\r katio/nti o( qeo\s e)/fh fula/casqai, mh\ la/qwsin au)to\n oi( e)c e)nanti/as eu)xh=| mei/zoni kai\ lamprote/ra| kat' au)tou= xrhsa/menoi. o( de\ e(kato/mbhn a)ndrw=n eu)/cato qu/sein tw=| *)apo/llwni. katorqw/sas de\ a(\ e)bou/leto, th\n qusi/an dia\ to\ mh\ i(eropreph= ei)=nai a)ei\ a)neba/lleto. o(/ti diaba/llontai oi( *qettaloi\ w(s a)ndrapodistai\ kai\ a)/pistoi.
Photius, Lexicon theta147, and cf. Appendix Proverbiorum 3.20 and 4.93 (and other paroemiographers).
[1] The name is not securely transmitted; perhaps Aiatios or Aratos.
[2] C. Theodoridis in his Photius edition (vol.II p.LXVII) points out that a)ei/ in this closing phrase is an addition by the Suda, guaranteed by the same one in Eustathius.
[3] cf. alpha 2154.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; daily life; ethics; geography; military affairs; proverbs; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 January 2007@06:58:28.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 19 January 2007@18:28:51.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 20 January 2007@03:51:24.
David Whitehead (another note) on 18 October 2011@09:55:59.
David Whitehead on 2 January 2013@05:11:46.
David Whitehead on 3 September 2013@05:14:00.
David Whitehead on 28 April 2016@03:50:08.


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