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Adler number: theta,267
Translated headword: thesmothetai
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is a certain office at
Athens. Despite being six in number, [they come] from the so-called nine archons. They have this name because their task used to be the care of the laws.[1]
Aeschines in the [speech]
Against Ktesiphon has said that these men used to put right the laws every year.[2]
Greek Original:*qesmoqe/tai: a)rxh/ ti/s e)stin *)aqh/nhsin. e(\c de\ o)/ntwn to\n a)riqmo\n kai/toi e)k tw=n kaloume/nwn q# a)rxo/ntwn. kalou=ntai de\ ou(/tws, o(/ti tw=n no/mwn th\n e)pime/leian ei)=xon. o(/ti de\ tou\s no/mous ou(=toi diw/rqoun kat' e)niauto\n e(/kaston, ei)/rhken *ai)sxi/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *kthsifw=ntos.
Abridged from Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v., commenting in the first instance on
Demosthenes 22.21.
See also
theta 266, and generally OCD(4) s.v.
[1] The explanation as it stands is a
non sequitur, an extra clause in Harpokration ("and they used to call laws statutes, thesmoi") being here omitted.
Aeschines 3.38. (Harpok. had also cited the
Nomoi of
Theophrastus: fr. 1 S-M = 632 Fortenbaugh.)
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2000@06:50:35.
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