*qermopu/lai: to/pos *)aqh/nhsi ou(/tw kaleo/menos u(po\ tw=n pleo/nwn *(ellh/nwn, u(po\ de\ tw=n e)pixwri/wn perioi/kwn *pu/lai.
See also
theta 249.
[1] Not, of course, in or even near
Athens (so that word was deleted in the
editio princeps) but on the east coast of central Greece, opposite the north end of Euboia (Barrington Atlas map 55 grid D3). Site of the famous defeat of the Greeks by the Persians in 480 BCE, when the three hundred Spartans under king
Leonidas sacrificed their lives to allow the other Greeks to escape. See Perseus Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
[2] Simply 'the gates', as opposed to
Thermopylai, 'the hot gates', so called from the hot springs nearby.
Herodotos 7.201.1 (web address 2). The Suda omits "and."
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