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Search results for theta,228 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,228
Translated headword: Therapeutae
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In
On the contemplative life,
Philo wrote about the Hebrew ascetics, whom he named Therapeutae, and the women who dressed similarly and followed the same way of life whom he named Therapeutidae. And he says they are called Therapeutae either because they heal [
qerapeu/ein] the souls of those who come to them, like physicians relieving them from the evil of diseases, or because of their pure and undefiled service [
qerapei/a] and worship of the divine. When these people begin to practice philosophy, they first separate themselves from their relatives and possessions, then retiring from all the cares of life and going outside the walls they spend their time in lonely fields or groves or mountains, knowing that association with people unlike them is unprofitable and harmful, they pursue and practice a prophet-like lifestyle. And in each of their communities there is a sacred building, which they call a
semneion ('holy place')[1] and a
monasterion ('monastery'), where in solitude they practice the mysteries of the pious life, no one bringing anything, not drink nor food nor anything else that is necessary for the needs of the body, but bringing laws and sayings divinely uttered by the prophets, and hymns, and the other things with which understanding and piety are increased and perfected. And to summarize, the whole space of time from dawn to evening is an ascetic exercise for them; for no one of them would take food or drink before the setting of the sun, since they judge that philosophizing is appropriate for the light, but the needs of the body for darkness. They make their interpretations of the sacred writings by hidden meanings in allegories; for the entirety of [divine] legislation seems to these men to resemble a living creature, and to have as its body the spoken discourses, but as its soul the unseen thought hidden in the words. The women also are in the same condition.
Greek Original:*qerapeutai/: *fi/lwn peri\ tw=n e)c *(ebrai/wn a)skhtw=n e)/grayen peri\ qewrhtikou= bi/ou, ou(\s qerapeuta/s, kai\ ta\s o(moiosxh/mous kai\ o(motro/pous gunai=kas *qerapeuti/das w)no/mase. kai\ *qerapeutai\ me/n, fhsi/, ke/klhntai h)\ para\ to\ ta\s yuxa\s tw=n prosio/ntwn au)toi=s a)po\ kaki/as paqw=n i)atrw=n di/khn a)palla/ttontas qerapeu/ein, h)\ th=s pro\s to\ qei=on kaqara=s kai\ ei)likrinou=s qerapei/as kai\ qrhskei/as e(/neka. ou(=toi prw=ton me\n a)rca/menoi filosofei=n e)ci/stantai tw=n proshko/ntwn kai\ tw=n u(parxo/ntwn, e)/peita de\ pa/sais a)potaca/menoi tai=s tou= bi/ou fronti/si kai\ e)/cw teixw=n proelqo/ntes e)n mona/grois h)\ kh/pois h)\ o)/resi ta\s diatriba\s poiou=ntai ta\s e)k tw=n a)nomoi/wn e)pimici/as a)lusitelei=s te kai\ blabera\s ei)do/tes to\n profhtiko\n zhlou=si kai\ a)skou=si bi/on. kai\ e)n e(ka/sth| summori/a| oi)/khma/ e)stin i(ero/n, o(\ kalou=si semnei=on kai\ monasth/rion, e)n w(=| monou/menoi ta\ tou= semnou= bi/ou musth/ria telou=ntai, mhdei\s mhde\n komi/zontes, mh\ poto\n mh\ siti/on mhde/ ti tw=n a)/llwn, o(/sa pro\s ta\s tou= sw/matos xrei/as a)nagkai=a, a)lla\ no/mous kai\ lo/gia qespisqe/nta dia\ profhtw=n kai\ u(/mnous kai\ ta)/lla, oi(=s e)pisth/mh kai\ eu)se/beia sunau/contai/ te kai\ teleiou=ntai. kai\ sunelo/nti fa/nai, siti/on h)\ poto\n ou)dei\s au)tw=n prosene/gkoito pro\ h(li/ou du/sews, e)peidh\ to\ me\n filosofei=n a)/cion fwto\s ei)=nai kri/nousi, sko/tous de\ ta\s tou= sw/matos a)na/gkas. ai( de\ e)chgh/seis tw=n i(erw=n logi/wn gi/nontai au)toi=s di' u(ponoiw=n e)n a)llhgori/ais. pa=sa ga\r nomoqesi/a dokei= toi=s a)ndra/si tou/tois zw/|w| e)oike/nai, kai\ sw=ma me\n e)/xein ta\s r(hta\s diale/ceis, yuxh\n de\ to\n e)napokei/menon tai=s le/cesin a)o/raton nou=n. w(sau/tws de/ ei)si th=s au)th=s katasta/sews kai\ ai( gunai=kes.
George the Monk,
Chronicon 332.5 - 333.25.
On the Therapeutae see also
beta 294. For
Philo of Alexandria on the Therapeutae, see web address 1. At
Historia Ecclesiastica 2.17-18 (web address 2),
Eusebius attributes his information on the Therapeutae (whom he identifies with the Christians) to
[1] cf.
sigma 223, where the passage from here down to "...setting of the sun" is repeated verbatim; see also
phi 734.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: Christianity; clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; law; medicine; meter and music; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 February 2008@12:58:33.
Vetted by:William Hutton (tweaks of translation and notes, added keywords, set status) on 23 February 2008@17:09:13.
Catharine Roth (augmented note, added another link) on 23 February 2008@20:08:12.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 24 February 2008@04:26:12.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 1 January 2013@07:12:50.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 5 November 2018@19:23:43.
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