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Search results for theta,225 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,225
Translated headword: theoroi, observers
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] those sent to [perform] a sacrifice and to the festivals. Also [sc. attested is] a ship [called] Theoris,[1] on which the theoroi were sent to the out-of-town sacrifices on behalf of their home community, or to the sacred competitions and other festivals, and to the oracles.[2]
Sophocles [writes]: "it was as a theoros, he claims, that he left the country".[3]
However, "theoroi" is the term not only for the spectators but also for those being sent to [honor] a god; and altogether, this was the name for those safeguarding or being concerned with the godly; for they used to call concern
Greek Original:*qewroi/: oi( ei)s qusi/an pempo/menoi kai\ ei)s ta\s e(orta/s. kai\ *qewri\s nau=s, di' h(=s pempo/menoi e)pi\ ta\s qusi/as ta\s a)podh/mous u(pe\r th=s patri/dos, h)\ kai\ e)pi\ tou\s i(erou\s a)gw=nas kai\ a)/llas panhgu/reis oi( qewroi\ e)ste/llonto, kai\ ei)s xrhsth/ria. *sofoklh=s: qewro\s w(s e)/fasken e)kdhmw=n. *qewroi\ me/ntoi le/gontai ou) mo/non oi( qeatai/, a)lla\ kai\ oi( ei)s qeo\n pempo/menoi, kai\ o(/lws tou\s ta\ qei=a fula/ttontas h)\ tou= qei/ou fronti/zontas ou(/tws w)no/mazon: w)/rhn ga\r e)/legon th\n fronti/da.
OCD(4) s.v.; and cf.
theta 223.
[1] See already
theta 221.
[2] Similar material in other lexica (and the
scholia to
Phaedo 58B).
Oedipus Tyrannus 114.
[4] From the end of Harpokration s.v.
theorika (sic). An alternative etymology is suggested for
qewro/s: instead of from
qea/ "seeing, contemplating" it could be from
qeos "god" and
w)/ra "care, concern."
Ian Rutherford, State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers: a study of theoria and theoroi (Cambridge & New York 2013); reviewed in BMCR 2015.05.40
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy; religion; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2000@06:02:10.
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