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Search results for theta,219 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,219
Translated headword: theoric payments
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They were certain monies [held] in common, collected from the revenues of the city; they were previously kept safe for the needs of war and were called generals-payments[1], but later they were paid into public projects and distributions to the citizens. The previously-agreed rate was a drachma per spectacle, which gave rise to its name, spectacle-payments.[2] But Philinus maintains that this was the reason they were called theorika: because, when the Dionysia [festival] was imminent,
Eubulus distributed [them] for the sacrifice, so that everyone could celebrate the festival and nobody would be excluded through lack of spending-money.[3] But elsewhere what was given for the spectacles and the sacrifices and the festivals was differently defined. It was not permitted for those abroad to draw a theoric-payment. There was also a certain office connected with the theoric-payment, as
Aeschines shows in the [speech]
Against Ktesiphon.[4]
Greek Original:*qewrika/: xrh/mata/ tina h)=n e)n koinw=| a)po\ tw=n th=s po/lews proso/dwn sunago/mena, a(\ pro/teron me\n ei)s ta\s tou= pole/mou xrei/as e)fula/tteto kai\ e)kalei=to strathgika/, u(/steron de\ kateti/qeto ei)s ta\s dhmosi/as kataskeua\s kai\ dianoma\s tw=n politw=n. h)=n de\ to\ me\n pro/teron nomisqe\n draxmh\ th=s qe/as, o(/qen kai\ qewrika\ e)klh/qh. *fili=nos de/ fhsin o(/ti dia\ tou=to e)klh/qh qewrika/, dio/ti tw=n *dionusi/wn u(pogu/wn o)/ntwn, die/neimen *eu)/boulos ei)s th\n qusi/an, i(/na pa/ntes e(orta/zwsi, kai\ mhdei\s a)polei/phtai di' e)/ndeian a)nalwma/twn. a)/llote de\ a)/llws w(ri/zeto to\ dido/menon ei)/s te ta\s qe/as kai\ ta\s qusi/as kai\ ta\s e(orta/s. ou)k e)ch=n de\ toi=s a)podhmou=si qewriko\n lamba/nein. h)=n de\ kai\ a)rxh/ tis e)pi\ tou= qewrikou=, w(s *ai)sxi/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *kthsifw=ntos dhloi=.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., commenting on
Demosthenes 14.36. See also
theta 218 and
theta 220; and generally OCD(4) s.v. theorika.
strathgika/; "soldiers-payments" (
stratiwtika/), more authentically, in Harpok.
[2] In Greek
qewrika/, from
qea/. Harpok. took this material from
Philochorus (FGrH 328 F33).
[3] Philinus fr. 3 Sauppe. For
Eubulus see generally
epsilon 3385.
Aeschines 3.24.
Keywords: biography; constitution; daily life; definition; economics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 November 2000@04:55:29.
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