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Search results for theta,218 in Adler number:
Adler number: theta,218
Translated headword: theoric payments
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In the so-called festivals of Dionysus, heated struggles broke out, and citizens contended to the point of physical violence and injury. The demos decided that the spectacles should no longer be free and rent should be charged for seats. The poor were put at a disadvantage because the higher price was an easy matter for the wealthy. Athenians voted that the price be set at only a drachma, calling it the 'theoric drachma'; and they used to say that the man in charge of this conducts the theoric office. From this the other monies that Athenians received are called theoric.[1]
Greek Original:*qewrika/: e)n tai=s legome/nais *dionusi/ais qewri/ais a)gw/nwn teloume/nwn filoti/mwn sune/baine/ tinas tw=n politw=n ei)s u(/breis kai\ trau/mata diafe/resqai. e)/docen ou)=n tw=| dh/mw| mhke/ti proi=ka qewrei=n, e)kmisqou=n de\ tai=s qe/ais tou\s to/pous. pleonektoume/nwn de\ tw=n penh/twn dia\ to\ r(a|di/ws toi=s plousi/ois plei/onos timh=s tou=to gi/nesqai, e)yhfi/santo e)pi\ draxmh=| kai\ mo/non ei)=nai to\ ti/mhma, qewriko\n au)th=| qe/ntes o)/noma: kai\ to\n e)pi\ tou/tw| e)festhko/ta qewrikh\n a)rxh\n e)/legon a)/rxein. a)po\ tou/tou de\ kai\ ta\ loipa/, o(/sa *)aqhnai=oi e)la/mbanon, qewrika\ ei)/rhtai.
Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (second edition, revised by John Gould and David Lewis). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968
Keywords: art history; biography; comedy; economics; history; poetry; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Wm. Blake Tyrrell on 18 March 2007@21:59:17.
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